Apple Needs iPhone 5 to Fend Off Surging Android
Really? There is no "fending off" at this point Android has 56% market-share while Apple has 28% market share. The article should read "Apple Needs iPhone 5 to CATCH UP with Android:" Why is Apple always in the better position?
Rumor: Assistant Will Be the iPhone 5 Game Changer
Really? Android has had advanced voice-to text and voice control for OVER TWO YEARS!!! Sure it looks like Apple is adding the usual spit and polish, but this writer is seriously confused on what "game changing means"
Why doesn't the media pay more attention to the 0.7 MP rear facing camera on the iPad?
This whole iCloud thing.... its nothing new. There are multiple file-syncing apps already for the iPhone. I do see how iPhone users are excited about the cloud though, as on the iPhone you cannot reliably use a syncing app, because the phone can and will shut it down when it chooses to do so.
The android app "dropsync" is a system process app that does two-way file syncing in the background, with your computer and with other devices. This is the best syncing app i've used so far, but many many many others exist.
It seems like anything Apple does, no matter how its been used before, it always the best most advanced thing ever invented. In my opinion, Apple has fallen behind on their technological advances, now most everything they do is to catch up with everybody else.
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