Android -only when plugged in
automatically downloads the latest podcasts I listen to
Silences notifications and SMS until 6:00 AM. Vibrate from 6-7AM, full volume at 7AM
Turns phone to a gentle vibrate (yes you can set how much vibration)
ADVANCED - If I get two calls from the same person in my contacts within 15 minutes, full volume.
Turns off my data connection until 6:30. Turns on once per hour.
Automatically goes to low brightness (i always leave my phones on full brightness during day)
uploads all my photos from the day to google+ if connected to wifi
automatically turns off my GPS until 6:30
automatically turns off Bluetooth until 6:30
Syncs my music folder from my desktop computer
syncs my video folder from my desktop computer
automatically back's up then entire phone to dropbox. Useful for when you drop your phone in the toilet.
When I wake up, i have all my new music, video's and podcasts. All my data is backed-up.
I understand that my iPhone can do some of this stuff when connected to a computer, but I don't have a computer on my night stand. Do you?
ReplyDeleteCan you make a post on how you're making your Android do all this? I'm hoping that I can train mine as well ...
Jess (Sonday)