Something is using my battery and data. I have no idea what it is, but the battery is dropping about 10% per hour with the screen off, and it has also used about 800 megabytes of data. There is no app or setting within the phone to be able to tell me what it is, so I'm going to go to an Genius bar in an apple store and hope they can tell me.
ALL android phones come with the ability to see what is using your battery. Within the settings, you can get exactly what app is using how much of your battery.
To take it a step further, you can download an app called "spare parts" that will tell you what app is using ANYTHING on the phone.
It would say something like "google maps has used 53 seconds of GPS time"
It could also say "your phone's accelorometer has used 15 seconds of CPU time"
I couldn't find anything similar to that on iOS, so hopefully the geniuses can.
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