Android phones are known to have bugs galore, however there are certain phones that are buggier than others. If your looking for a buggy phone, here is the criteria
1) Find a phone that was just released within the last month
Because of COMPETITION, Android manufacturers rush phones the the market. The modify the STOCK Android OS, throw in their own drivers and RUSH the phone to market in hope of either beating other manufacturers or catching up with them. I 100% guarantee that any android phone goes through significantly less testing than the iPhone. Apple can concentrate on ONE phone, ONCE every year. Samsung has released probably 20 phones over the past year.
The good news is, over time the new phones get "maintenance updates" that fix bugs.
2) Find a phone built by a 2nd tier manufacturer
HTC, Samsung, Motorolla, and Sony are top tier manufacturers that have been building android phones for years. Recently we've seen LG and Kyocera enter the mix. These manufacturers don't have the experience and I have found them to be more buggy
3) Root or Jailbreak your phone
Running custom software on your phone is often the recipe for crashes.
Bugs dont really bother me. I enjoy always having the latest technology even if it means I have to go through some force-closes.
The good news is that it is easy to eliminate most bugs. Just like Apple, Google is getting on a yearly cycle, releasing their own version of the hardware that the software was designed for. Developers making apps develop for these phones FIRST, then move onto other phones. The Google Nexus One, Nexus S and soon to come Nexus Prime are the least buggy phones you can buy, and would probably give my iPhone a good bug challenge.
If you dont want a nexus phone and hate bugs, do not get a phone on launch day, always get a phone at least a couple months old. Speaking of launch day bugs....
The bugs I found for my iPhone often come from un-responsiveness. Every time I try to search for a contact by name, I have to hit my touch screen at least 4, but up to 10 times in the search field... EVERY TIME.
I can't speak for third party app bugs, but if you google it they DO EXIST. I have not had any force closes yet, but then again I have not really gotten into the third party app market (and I dont plan to because of the money.)
Just for fun -- Facebook app bugs
Dont forget the alarm bug...twice!!
I have a friend with an ipod touch (4th generation) that says she has "force closes all the time, much more than her Infuse w/ android"
Bugs arise when software and hardware and developed separately or by two different companies. Since Apple does not license their software, they simply have less bugs that manufacturers that do license the software. But remember, the Nexus series of phones is different because they are developed by Google for Android.
Last note, Android phones do SO MUCH MORE, would it be unacceptable to say there would be more bugs?
In conclusion, I would expect the "nexus" series of phones to have the same amount of bugs as the iPhone. If you hate bugs and want an Android phone, stick with the Nexus Series. The Nexus prime is rumored to be released in October.
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