Consumers are voting with their wallets. Consumers are saying that when ALL THINGS ARE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION, Android is vastly superior to iOS.
I say "all things are taken into consideration" because this is a very important part of my argument. This argument is more than iOS the operating system vs Android the operating system. Its about iOS the "choice" vs Android the "choice" You could replace the word "choice" with "economy" if you wanted.
Apple has chosen to only be available on AT&T and Verizon.
Apple has chosen to have a closed ecosystem
Apple has chosen to release one device, once per year
Apple has chosen to charge $199 for their top tier device the entire year, regardless of competition.
Apple has chosen to keep a 3.5" screen
Apple has chosen to release tech that is outdated (yes i said it)
Apple has chosen operate an OS that lacks basic features.
Apple has chosen to never have "SALES" on their devices. They are always $50 or $200.
I have heard these arguments before defending iOS
"of course android sells more, they have more devices"
"of course android sells more, they are available on more carriers"
"of course android sells more, you can get free phones"
"of course android sells more, you can get them on any carrier"
My point is that when a consumer weighs ALL their options, twice as many are choosing Android over iOS.
Does this make it twice as good? I dont know, i'm still wrestling with that....
*I can take this example to the extreme. Say you have the option of buying a Lexus for $60,000 or a Hyundai for $5,000. A vast majority of people with choose the Hyundai. In this example i'm saying that the Hyundai is the superior car, all things taken into consideration, because it would sell 10x the numbers of the Lexus.
Now take price out of the picture, everybody chooses the Lexus. However this does not take all things into consideration.
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