Monday, September 5, 2011

I have to sit which way??

There are several SUPER BASIC tasks i feel my iPhone 4 should be able to perform.

  -Allow me to disable auto-rotate, so I can read with my head down on my pillow at night.  Instead I have to sit-up and use it vertically.  Thank you some guy (see comments)

  -Allow me to turn mobile data off to conserve battery thank you andrew

  -automatically silence the phone at night, and turn back on in the morning

  -in-app voice to text transcription

  -Allow me to silence my emails/SMS but not the phone (this is useful at night)  I've always left my phone volume on, only allow calls from family/friends in case of emergencies.

   - ALLOW ME TO CHANGE THE EMAIL OR CALENDAR NOTIFICATION!!!! I have the same notification as 110 million other iPhone.  Imagine working in an office where everybodies notifications are the same.

   - Allow me to set custom ringtone or SMS notifications.   There are only 6 17 SMS notifications to choose from, so if you are around 7 18 iPhones, two will have the same tone... but then again, apple never really is about choice...

  -More to come....

For you iPhone pro's out there, if I'm wrong about something PLEASE correct me!


  1. You can disable auto-rotate on iphones.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You can turn off mobile data. Go to settings>general>network>cellular data and toggle it off!

  4. also there are 17 different SMS "text tones" to chose from, not just 6. However you cannot create your own custom text tone which I find annoying. I remember on my old school motorola razor I had it set to do Dart Vader's breathing for text messages. That was awesome. I wish you could set your own custom text tones and alerts/notifications like you can with ringtones.
