Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What kind of car would you buy?

I've been working on this post for about a week now.   I will finalize it at the end of my 30 days, so this is just a rough draft.   Choosing a phone should be like choosing a car.   Here is a chart i made that compares an iPhone 4 to a Google Nexus S.  I'm still working on it and will update it as time goes by.

I need more ideas!  This is from a NEUTRAL perspective.

iPhone Car
Android Car
3.5’ wide, crystal clear.  average color reproduction
4.0’ wide average clarity.   Best color reproduction available.  Green is green, black is black.
The iPhone display is small, but much higher resolution than found in the average electronic device.  SAMOLED screens produce the best colors available on any device.   Try one.
22.5’ long
24’ long
Phone height divided by 2 multiplied by 10’
Exterior Appearance
Ford Mustang
Chevy Camaro
Both cars are awesome, it depends on your taste.  However the Mustang has a slight edge.
ATT iPhone 4 vs Nexus S w/ two year contract
Att insurance cost x $10
Insurance Deductable
Att insurance deductible x $10
Gas Mileage
Above average if it sits in your driveway all day, average if you use it.  You cannot store extra gas in a red container and refill when you want.
Average.   At any time you can refill using an extra gas can.
The iPhone has great battery lifewhen not being used.  When in use the phone performed as expected.   Android phones have replaceable batteries, which I recommend people store in their wallet or purses.   At any time, you can swap one out and within 1 minute have a full battery again.
Interior Design
Leather with chrome finishes.   Some solid wood trim
Pleather with plastic trim.
The iPhones UI is stunning.  Apple engineers really polished their animations.
You only get to see one guage/switch at a time.   Only the speedometer, or only the gas gauge.  You can only roll down the windows or turn on your headlights.   No two can viewed/toggled at once.  You can’t roll down your window and see how fast your going at the same time.
All gauges and switches available at any time like a normal car.
The Android homescreen/widgets are far superior than ANYTHING remotely comparable in iOS.
Trunk space
You have to decide how much trunk space you want when you buy it.  You can never change it
Removable storage allows you to increase your trunk space at any time.
Removable microSD cards allow phones to have between 0 and 64 GB of storage.
You can only access items in your trunk by plugging the car into a computer to open the trunk.   You can also only put CD’s DVD’s or Pictures in your trunk.
Park the car in the garage, open the trunk and go at it.  No limitations.
Any android device has what is called “mass storage mode.”  This essentially turns the phone into a thumb drive, where you can store ANYTHING.
100 Horsepower when at the gas station, 90 horsepower when on the road.
100 horsepower all the time.
The iPhone runs at 1Ghz when charging, 900 MHz when not.
Top speed
30 mph
250 mph
The nexus S is not a 4g phone, but if is important to you, an LTE phone on Verizon is CRAZY fast.
4 speed manual
5 speed automatic
Everything within android can be automated.  Nothing within iOS is automated.
In dash GPS
The in-dash GPS has maps and can print out directions for you to follow.
Garmin Nuvi w/ full turn by turn navigation
Google Maps Navigation is a direct replacement for any Garmin GPS.   The iPhone maps app is really limiting.
You get what you see and cannot change it.
If you don’t like your steering wheel, you can change it.   Seat uncomfortable, change it.  Rear view mirror too small? Change it.  Unlimited options
All system apps in android are replaceable.   If you don’t like the “phone” app, you can change it.  Browser, email, sms, etc. all customizable.
Rarely breaks down
Breaks down occasionally.
iOS is a more stable operating system.
Similar cars
Looks the identical as 50 million other cars on the road.  Your mom has one, your friend has one, and so does your neighbor.
Every car is unique and it is pure joy running into a car similar to yours.
No comment.
Higher quality apps available, but they cost more.  There is no keyless entry available.
Lots of free apps, but generally lower quality, specifically game apps.  Keyless entry, remote start, etc available.
iOS apps are higher quality, but generally cost more.   iOS is also missing apps that can automate the usefulness of the phone.
Has the ability to pay for items wirelessly at McDonalds, but only 10% of McDonalds actually use it.
NFC is still in its early stages of adoption, but still useful… sometimes.

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